
call center


I guess most of you already know that I’ve worked for a large American corporation as a Customer Experience agent. That’s just a fancy title for Call Center, just letting you guys know this right now so we can get that out of the way. And I also managed to survive two years and three months at that job. Some will say that’s nothing, but I had people telling me „That’s too much time in a Call Center”. The weird thing is, I agree with both statements equally (but that’s another conversation, for another sunny day). Being a Call Center agent has taught me a lot of things, and I bet the people who also worked in this toxic environment will agree, that patience is the one good thing we all learnt to master because of this job. Am I right or am I right? Unfortunately, there are a lot…

Fiecare dintre noi a trecut măcar printr-un proces de recrutare at some point și are idee ce presupune, am dreptate? Aici trecem în revistă discuțiile/negocierile uneori interminabile și de lungă durată cu departamentul de HR și chiar interviurile alături de cei mai importanți oameni din respectiva companie care basically decideau dacă vei fi sau nu angajat. Îmi amintesc și acum primul interviu la care am participat, un interviu căruia i-am oferit extrem de multă importanță pentru că voiam să obțin acel job. Era primul interviu ever, iar în mintea mea trebuia să fie un succes. Desigur, eram conștientă că există șansa să nu fiu potrivită pentru acel post, însă asta nu m-a oprit din a fi dezamăgită și confuză în urma faptului că nu am fost angajată. Acum că au trecut câțiva ani de la acel interviu, îmi dau seama că de fapt compania pentru care voiam cu atâta ardoare…

For those of you who don’t know, back in the day I worked for a large American Corporation as a Customer Experience agent on the Spanish market. Because this was a few years back, I gotta be honest, I totally forgot about this until yesterday. I only worked for two years and three months at this company, but believe you me, this was plenty of time to go through a lot of experiences and situations that I never thought I’d have to face. Getting back to the actual story, first of all, what you need to know is that the case itself from the very beginning started on the wrong foot. This customer, a host, called because he had some doubts about an upcoming reservation. Keep in mind, the check-in date was later on, a week from the day he called if I remember correctly. The host starts to…

Whoever knows me, knows I can’t watch horror movies, not even to save my life. Ok, scratch that, maybe I will, but that’s the only case where I would actually watch a horror movie. The scary part in a horror movie is that almost every time it’s based on a real story. This is where it gets real for me. This particular story is not mine, because if it was, I would probably just hide under my security blanket. But in this case, I heard the story from Andreea, who’s a dear friend and I laughed thinking about the entire situation. Make no mistake. This is no laughing matter, guys. But hearing this as an outsider, you gotta admit, it’s pretty hilarious. Read the entire story and judge for yourself: Working in outsourcing is the kind of job about which the best thing is that you will „never know…

Back in the day I was working for a large American corporation as a Customer Experience agent. I don’t know how many of you worked in a Call Center before, but let me tell you… boy you hear some stories in places like this. And this one stuck with me. A good story always starts with „It was a warm summer day, when suddenly…” but in my situation it was something more like „It was a regular shift untill…”. Well, until I got a call from a a user saying that they need help immediately. Like a good agent that I was a followed protocol and authenticated the user ASAP so I can proceed to solve the issue at hand. That specific user did not want help for themselves exactly. And this is where is gets tricky. The customer wanted to let us know that someone from her family is…

This is not my story. I wish it was. I am not that cool tho’. This is a story I heard a while back from someone very dear to me. I loved it and I thought everyone should read it. In my mind this is the kind of story you tell your grandkids to be honest. His name is Ștefan, a Team Leader and also a Fashion Designer student at London College of Fashion. The story goes like this: I was working for one large American corporation and coincidentally, it was also my first job. I had been dealing with crazy customer demands, system errors, convoluted situations caused by improper handling of situations and all in all, messy situations. One may say working in call center and customer service is hell, but I may say it is one of the most rewarding experience I was able to get. Amongst its…

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