


Let’s get comfortable, shall we? Cause this is hardly a comfortable topic these days. You guys already know the drill by now… whenever I choose to write about relationships I’m gonna be brutally honest and spare no feelings along the way. The end goal here is to share my thoughts with you guys and start conversations around important topics, like this one.„He’s still coming home to me, so I don’t care if he cheats.” „All men cheat and there’s nothing we can do about it.” „He had a momentary lapse, it’s not a big deal.” … I saw these kind of statements on Social Media made by women and my blood started boiling immediately. I couldn’t for the life of me comprehend their train of thought and how their self-esteem got to be so low. I initially thought it was a joke and that all these women cannot truly think…

Everyone who knows me can attest to the fact that I’m very honest, sometimes brutally honest and I say what I mean and of course I mean what I say. I’ve wanted to write about this topic for months if not years and I’ve seen some videos on Social Media of creators talking about this subject and I felt it’s time to join in the conversation. And one of the reasons I didn’t until now is because many of you guys are not ready to hear the truth and not many of you know how to process a harsh truth, especially when it comes to romantic relationships.Dating in nowadays society has become very chaotic, toxic, confusing to say the least and from what I can tell, from my own experience, not worth it. And this coming from a hopeless romantic like myself, it does mean a lot, so let that…

Aceasta este poate cea mai frecventă întrebare pe care am întâlnit-o pe Social Media și cel mai discutat topic în ultima perioadă. Mulți content creators, ba chiar și self proclaimed „dating coaches” încearcă să ne explice cum ar trebui să funcționeze o relație, care ar trebui să fie dinamica într-un cuplu și ce ar trebuie să facem ca să avem o relație faină și de lungă durată.Discuțiile despre bani și cum se gestionează ei pot fi cele mai aprinse, pot declanșa certuri și frustrări care formează un dezechilibru în relație, iar asta se întâmplă de regulă pentru că partenerii nu știu cum să comunice eficient. Mai mult decât atât, majoritatea cuplurilor nu au această conversație la momentul potrivit, (acela din punctul meu de vedere ar fi în primele luni de dating) iar pentru că acea discuție devine long overdue se ajunge la un conflict mai puternic care ar fi putut…

Here we are. Here we are again, with another article about relationships. Did I see this coming? Probably…deep down I knew it was going to happen eventually. I’ve mentioned this before, but let me reiterate: I will write and have these conversations on Social Media about relationships if I truly feel like people will benefit from it. Not just for the sake of having them.I spend a lot of time on Social Media, especially TikTok (I know, what I shock, right?) and on that platform I see a lot of people having conversations, disputes and opinions about what a relationship should look like. More precisely: how you can tell if a guy is truly interested in you or if he’s just playing the field. Let me specify one thing: what I’m about to express (from my own experience, from what I’ve learned and what I’ve heard from people close to…

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