
mental health


Dacă încerci să explici unei persoane care nu are un background în Social Media/Content creation (și vorba românului, nu știe cu ce se mănâncă), că ești creator de conținut și faci asta on a daily basis pentru a-ți câștiga pâinea, ei bine, s-ar putea să nu primești reacția pe care ți-o dorești. La ce mă refer aici? Oamenii în general nu privesc job-urile de Social Media Manager sau content creator ca fiind valide, serioase și demne de respect. Știu ce o să spuneți „Oh, haide, nu poate fi chiar atât de rău…”. Trust me, în ciuda faptului că au trecut atâția ani, ani în care platformele Social Media s-au dezvoltat enorm și chiar dacă companii gigant își pun încrederea în oamenii care fac conținut pentru a-i reprezenta în mediul online, cei din jur continuă să aibă impresia, greșită de altfel, că ceea ce se întâmplă este o joacă și că…

I guess most of you already know that I’ve worked for a large American corporation as a Customer Experience agent. That’s just a fancy title for Call Center, just letting you guys know this right now so we can get that out of the way. And I also managed to survive two years and three months at that job. Some will say that’s nothing, but I had people telling me „That’s too much time in a Call Center”. The weird thing is, I agree with both statements equally (but that’s another conversation, for another sunny day). Being a Call Center agent has taught me a lot of things, and I bet the people who also worked in this toxic environment will agree, that patience is the one good thing we all learnt to master because of this job. Am I right or am I right? Unfortunately, there are a lot…

I woke up today and chose vulnerability. As a woman I’ve always struggled with this idea in my head of how my body should look like. For a while there I thought I was the only one. Simply because thinking about it made me feel awkward and raised some questions about how I was seeing myself that I was definitely not ready to know the answers to. So I did the „healthy thing” of course, tried to never speak about it and lied to myself that it’s all good. I realize now that from a young age I’ve always tried to look like someone else. I would read and even collect the „Bravo” or „POPCORN” magazine, you know, the classics, and see all these celebs looking perfect and of course I thought „Wouldn’t it be great if I looked like that?”. Not gonna get into this one too much, but…

Before 2020 I have to admit I had no idea who Daniel Sloss was. I grew up with the classics tho’ when it comes to comedy and Stand-up comedy. I did know about Jerry Seinfeld, Eddie Murphy, Dave Chappelle, Jim Carrey, Chris Rock,… they were the ones who set up a standard for me in this aria. A pretty high one I might add. So this year, when everything went downhill and quarantine started, I really needed something to make me laugh and maybe help me process everything that was happening. Being a huge fan of Stand-up comedy I watched every show on Netflix I thought it would make me smile. I remember it was after work and I felt that I needed a break and thought to myself „Ok, let’s do another deep dive and see if we can find something worth watching”. I am very particular when it…

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