I’ve decided to change things up a little bit and make this page even more interactive for the entire community.
In this brand new category you guys can ask for my take on a situation that happened to you where you’re not sure if you acted/responded in the right way. Or if you feel like you did the right thing but everyone else says that you overreacted.

You know when you feel like you need an outsider’s perspective because they’re not too close to the situation and they can provide you with a response that’s not emotionally driven? That’s what I’m talking about.
Send me all the details by completing the form below and I will help as much as I can.
You guys should keep in mind that I will be honest and not hesitate to call you out if indeed you were the asshole in that specific situation.
My response will come in the form of an article where I will share my opinion on the situation that was presented.
My advice is to send me real situations with fake names so we protect everyone’s privacy.
I don’t know about you guys but I am ready to listen to all the tea.